Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'm back!

As it turns out my blogging duties went into hibernation for the remainder of winter, but with the passing of the first day of spring, it looks like I’ve risen from my slumber and the Constance Comment is BACK!  Although a hiatus was not my intention, the last several weeks have been ridiculously busy with starting a new jobby job, wedding planning, family and social events, extreme dieting, sprinkle in a short bout of Hunger Games obsession and finishing the entire trilogy in a little under ten days, and I just have not been left with much time for anything else! 

But just so that we’re all up to speed, here’s a brief recap of the last several weeks:

Although it was no surprise, the 15th Annual Super Bowl Party was another great success! 

Cocktails at the Cosmopolitan.
Hummer limo ride to Downtown LV.
The Hostess with the Mostess.
What else do people watch the Super Bowl on?
Winners of the Super Dollar.

Shortly after the party, I started a new jobby job at a firm in Irvine that does the same kind of work from my prior firm.  It's keeping me busy!

 Lauren and I caught Ryan Adams at the Walt Disney Concert Hall.  He was nothing short of amazing.

Ryan Adams at WDCH.
Also, our two favorite Kugelman boys are now officially off the market.  We had the pleasure of celebrating Lars and Margaux's and Alex and Lauren's engagement during in the same month.  Marc and I are so happy for these love birds, and I'm particularly excited because it means I can vicariously live through another bride's wedding planning journey. 

Unfortunately, we also had to say good-bye to Alex and Lauren as they embarked on their new lives in DC together.  Alex is doing his second clerkship for a judge there, but Marc and I are excited to visit them soon!

Finally, all things wedding-related (dieting, planning, dieting, planning) have kept the remainder of my time very busy!  I'm in the process of designing our wedding invitations (time consuming due to my Adobe Illustrator illiteracy) right now, but just writing about them makes me giddy with excitement!  I'm so looking forward to sharing them with you.

As for the diet, I'm down 12 pounds. Woop Woop! It's hardly noticeable, but it makes me happy to see a difference on the scale.  Tomorrow is my very first dress fitting so we'll see how much more I'll have to lose then!

I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of events from the last few weeks, but for now, I must indulge in my inner-nerd and rush off to catch the Hunger Games.